Saturday, January 9, 2016

Walking for health, and a new perspective...

Today has been a weird day. It started as usual, and I swear, my eating habits are even strange for me, and they were weird to begin with. But, that’s okay, we made it through.
I was going to take my son, Chad to the Y for our usual exercise, and remembered that he was going with his grandparents to a comedy show at Case High School, courtesy of the participating students. So, then, I contemplated if I should go, myself, to get in some swimming. But I got a happy surprise visit from my friend Barb. Her mom, Diane got a ham for us, and also some laundry detergent and bleach, as well. Thank you both, we totally appreciate it! I am truly blessed with generous people around me.
Noticing that the weather was still unusually warm, despite the fact that this was January 8, in Wisconsin, at about 8pm, I decided I would go out for a walk, since I haven’t been walking since before the snow. When ever I go, I always take a different route, to keep it interesting and fresh. Since I was walking at night, by myself, I decided to stick to the main roads in the area. Seriously, I had not thought too much before, but, this is serious, and I wonder what the city ordinance(s) are, and if there are state laws concerning the snow removal on sidewalks for home owners and area businesses, especially when the zone is a mixed residential/business district.
12" electric snow shovel
My balance while waking through icy/snowy banks was never very good, even in high school, to the point that seriously, on icy surfaces, I preferred my ice-skates. Of course now, I have had severe and chronic back pain at the base (lower 1/3) of my thoracic region, laterally, all the way across, and when it gets bad, moves up either side of my spine, looking like an upside down capital T. For me to walk any distance, I have a pair of walking staffs, which helps me stay upright. I don’t think I would be able to do more than 15-20 minutes without them at this time.
A walk in the fall.
Anyway, when I was able to do a lot more, I didn’t think much of it when it was so frigid cold out, that I would only shovel a path down the sidewalk. I always made sure that it was clear, all the way to the cement. If I lived on or near a corner, I’d do part of that, too. After getting a snow blower, I started doing the whole sidewalk, and enjoyed doing it. So, when neighbors who had to hand shovel or even the electric shovels, I would clear their sidewalks, and even the apron of their driveways with my snow blower, and I had fun. Of course, now, I am not sure if I could, and the snow blower we have now, well, is a monster. I tried to use it once, under the watchful eye of Mike, and it was too big for me. It is cool, it even has gears, and has power in reverse. But, gone are the days of snow blowing for me... :(
Sorry, but I digress... I walked with my handy walking sticks, 26 blocks total, on main roads, and it took me about an hour and a half. Yes, I walk slow. But, here was my problem. Some areas, where I am not sure if the houses were about to up onto the market, or just got sold, but for what ever reason, was unoccupied, and no one had done anything with the snow. Other spots, the one path in the middle was so narrow, I barely could use my staffs to get through it. Even in more spots, the corners were not done at all, and at some of the intersections, I had to turn around, go back to the nearest driveway, and walk in the street until I could get back on. A few of them were walked on enough that they weren’t too high, but, w/o my walking sticks, I would have never been able to get over them. What if I was an elderly person with a walker? Or in need of a wheel chair? Neither of those would be able to to get through any of it. Seriously. So, are people who are old and/or physically disabled just not supposed to go anywhere? Sad part of it is, I had no idea, I did not know, what so ever, until I was in this position of where I am, of not being very mobile...
I have always been the type of person who liked to go do things. Whether it’s to check out local historical spots, a festival, a drive, hang out with friends, clubbing, junking, what have you... For those wondering, yes, I’ve seen doctors and therapists and whomever... 30 or 31 medical professionals including primary care, physical therapy, chiropractors, pain management, a breast reduction plastic surgeon, and even a neurosurgeon. There is nothing else they can do for me. Yes, I am aware that massage therapists and acupuncturists can often help, but, with me not working, no, I cannot afford to pay out money I am not bringing in... I also get people asking or stating that maybe if I lose weight, that would help. Well, I am down 45 pounds from my heaviest back in March 2015, and no, the pain has NOT diminished... It’s actually one of these things that is the other way around, though I do have multiple issues. The worse the pain gets, the less active I am able to be. Therefore, I gain weight. I also have a genetic issue that increases appetite and decreases metabolism. This isn’t just the usual little bit, I am talking sluggish like molasses in the middle of winter, not just a little slow.
There are times just getting up and out of bed just kills me, and so stiff that doing something basic like getting dressed is a serious chore. But, I will also be damned if I am going to just sit in a dark corner of home, feeling sorry for not being able to do things. Life is happening outside, and it’s happening with or without me. No, I can’t do the things I want. I’d love to go hand-gliding. Solo. As long as I have no income and poor health, that will never happen. I also would absolutely love to learn how to be a search and rescue diver, and being in the water makes it so I am not disadvantaged, so I would physically be able to do this, even with an oxygen tank and full gear. But, with no income, that will never happen either. But, that doesn’t mean I have to be an unwilling hermit. I have gotten a family membership to the Y, and have been swimming regularly, and that has helped immensely. It gets me out of the house, and I am glad, but, I always have loved being out in the fresh air. So, it was disheartening to see so many spots where I had to get out on the street, which was scary, since I was walking in a bus lane.
A convenience store also had a large snow bank that got pushed from their lot into the corner, to where I had to use the lot of the business across the street to cross to go through that one, and the sidewalk on the other side barely had room to walk through, again, no way for someone using a walker or wheel chair would be able to go there. Seriously, if a business can afford to pay a plow driver, they can afford to clear the walks, not just their lot. For the home owners, would it hurt to pay a teenager $2.00 to do the walks? Or, even if you pay them in hot chocolate? Hopefully, I will land my office job soon, and I will be able to help pay for the teens to clear the walk ways... I really had no idea how hard it is to be less than normally mobile to navigate even in nice areas. But, being that I have drive, and the fact that I got disgusted at the state of my affairs, it boils down to damned if I do, damned if I don’t. Well, I’ll be damned if I do, not just to avoid wondering the what ifs, but, I’ll have interesting stories to tell, and maybe even motivate others to do what they can, even if it’s not as much. I can’t promise I’ll always be the chipper person, or patient, but, I will promise you that I won’t be boring.

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